Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apologies for the forward nonsense I seem to be backtracking on

all the shit I tell myself I'm going to do...
Funny thing is I'm getting all the things I told myself I'd do AFTER, done now.

At the risk of sounding like a social degenerate (you can't prove I already am)

Cereal Bowls & forks- Soon

Silver soup spoons- When I get to it.

Irony I should be hopping... to this hip hop shit.
But I always write more then I ever actually spit.

Harry (my DUDE no need for [||] its NW) is finishing the side,
or what would be the side project for ME cuz the broski is OD'n on a constant basis.
Will be DONE by this weekend. Word. Holding him to that shit or DangerDave will bug.
That's the alibi I'm going with. lol

Big Boi this weekend. Me & $kinny got the ticks on some 40$ shit. Echo?
Ticketmaster is the true reason we were in a recession.

Artistic Expression. 1love